Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Their seems to be many people who don't believe in the same religion as others. It seems throughout time that people have traded their steadfast beliefs for others. In example, the persian Mithras, The Egyptians Rae, and the Romans Zeus, as well as some Hebrews, altered their religious beliefs and many adopted Christianity instead. This is evident in the fact that many of Christians holidays, also referred as ( holi-days or HOLY days ), moral teachings, and symbology have been somewhat borrowed from these older traditions and religions. Now I am not saying that any of these are false, and not really saying that any is all right. It seems to be that they are all mutations of the same belief system adapted to fit the people of the times. Lets compare Saints or Angels, with the old gods of Egypt. Notice that the Sun disk of the old egyptian gods, hangs over the heads of these saints as HALO's. Okay, also the day Jesus turned water into wine is known as Jan. 6th, strange how this day also coincides with the Greek Dionysos, and Osiris blessing of the water. Not to mention that Mithra's sun, and zeus' sun both where half man and half human.
To make this entry short, I invite a discussion to from all of you out there to let me know your thoughts on this topic. I expect this to get ugly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not quite sure exactly what point you are trying to make here. However i do seriously believe that too many people choose to use religions for their own warped benefits. and even then,these sign holding,card carrying "religious" people pick and choose from these religions of theirs, which parts will be most benificial to them. Not caring that the judgements and atrocities they inflict upon others are not acceptable within the "guidelines"of their chosen beliefs. They suffer under some freakish illusion that they will be "saved", even after having done these things, simply by saying extra prayers or tithing more or going to services more. Well i suppose that this is not for me to decide...that will be left to something infinetely more powerful than i. I will instead send up prayers that this world become a more peaceful place.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:17:00 AM  
Blogger Diane S. said...

I don't think there is any denying that the holidays and even the symbology of Christianity has been effected by the traditions of the cultures into which Christianity was introduced. I personally don't find this to be a problem for me in terms of faith, though I find the current rebellion against these influences (calling "Easter", "Resurrection Sunday") to be a bit silly.

Also there are ideas in Christianity which are as old as records of human relgious ideas (virgin birth, resurrection, etc.). I also do not find this disturbing to my faith, but find it instead a confirmation. That probably requires some explanation.

I believe, like Karl Jung, in the existence of a collective consciousness. I believe this collective consciousness has to do with our souls springing from the same loving God. So that these ideas have have persisted, and manifested in myriad ways as human history has unfolded is confirmation to me of their basic truth.

I see no reason for this discussion to become ugly. All that requires is reasonable adults willing to have others disagree with them. If one is secure in one's faith, one need not be afraid of dissent (though one may be concerned for another's soul). I believe it is only those fanatics who harbor a secret fear that they are wrong who must argue vehemently and insist that everyone agree with them.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:56:00 PM  
Blogger SHELTONSFAMILY said...

You know i always love your replies to topics. I love you freethinking unihibited spirit. Well mostly uninhibited. It is a breathe of fresh air.

Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:24:00 AM  
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Thursday, February 22, 2007 1:49:00 PM  

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