Thursday, July 13, 2006


We just had our first child on 6/20/06 he is now just a few weeks old. I look at the world he has just begun to venture into and I stand in awe and fear. I am amazed at all that the world has done and all the things we have accomplished on this earth. Yet, the wars and turmoil spoil a perfectly great world. I feel that these things are important to the balance of humanity however I don't want my child to have less because of it. An innocent in this world. That soon will have to deal with world, as a wonder and a wonder how he will survive.
For all of you that have children, I ask you to look at your lives everyday and treat all the people that you come in contact with in a way that you would appreciate them dealing with your children.
Treat the world as you would your own kids, with love and kindness and patience. I only ask so that when our kids look at there world all they see is good and opportunity. Instead of every paper riddles with scenes of death and terror

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